Ḥayei Sarah 5784 (2023)

The human race is at a critical juncture. The great forces that press humanity to change put us in great distress, pain, and existential torment. Only kindness and giving, unity and unconditional love can turn trouble into victory. How can we do it? This lesson is dedicated for the hundreds inocent victims, for the heroes that fell in the battle against evil and for the protection of the ones fighting for security and sanity. For readings and more study: https://livekabbalah.org/hayei-sarah Join our course program: https://livekabbalah.org/live-kabbalah-courses Join our Zoom Program: https://livekabbalah.org/weekly-zohar-tree-of-life-study-live Support our efforts to provide you with more materials, donate to Live Kabbalah: https://livekabbalah.org/donations

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Kabbalah, Zohar Study, Spiritual Growth. Connecting people to knowledge, wisdom and to each other. Join our course program: https://livekabbalah.org/live-kabbalah-courses Join our Zoom Program: https://livekabbalah.org/weekly-zohar-tree-of-life-study-live Support our efforts to provide you with more materials, donate to Live Kabbalah: https://livekabbalah.org/donations