Mas'ei 5782 (2022)

This week we read Parshat Mas'ei, this parasha gives us tremendous powers of correction - overcoming the Dinim (Judgments) and ascending to higher degrees of life. In Parashat Mas'ei we learn the secret of Shem ben Mem, Beit (The Name of 42 Letters) - the "Ana BeKo'ah" prayer, as an important tool for correction and transcendence. Now! When the world is still in a dangerous place of uncertainty, it is time to reflect and look inside. This is the time to ask: Who is the person that I want to become and not: 'What are the things that I want to have? the places I want to travel, the deals I want to make'. This the time to stop our slavery to habits, belief systems and objects, the time to prepare ourselves to the freedom awaiting us in the 5780's.

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