Featured Speakers: Johnny Rutherford & Linda Vaughn

Johnny Rutherford became one of ten drivers to win the Indianapolis 500 at least three times, winning in 1974, 1976, and 1980. He also won the CART championship in 1980. Rutherford began racing modified stock cars in 1959 and won in his first start, at Daytona International Speedway driving for Smokey Yunick; and Linda Vaughn, the First Lady of Motorsports.  Online Race Industry Week 2022: 5 days, 55 hours of LIVE webinars, 150+ race industry speakers, 110 countries represented in attendance.  From EPARTRADE, RACER.com, & SPEED SPORT.  Presented by ETS Racing Fuels, Scott Lewis Associates, & Total Seal Piston Rings. Sponsored by ARP Inc, Performance Plus Global Logistics, & Motul.

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EPARTRADE, the global online platform for the performance and racing industry, has expanded its content to include regular tech and business webinars from leading industry suppliers and race industry leaders.