Episode 93 – The Sadus ‘Swallowed in Black’ Track-by-Track Batshit-Crazy Attaaaaaack!!!

When a member of a fringe Swedish death metal band makes a request, Radical Research heeds the call. To that end, RR episode 93 is a response to Philip Von Segebaden’s (Afflicted) appeal for a song-by-song analysis of Swallowed in Black by California’s preeminent thrash metal assassins, Sadus. Though apparently a bit outside of the RR wheelhouse, our dissection will reveal traces of the weirdness upon which this house is built. Should poser-killing, gravity-defying metal violence be your poison, consider this your invitation to the Last Abide. If not, then Good Rid’nz. Note I: The Steve DiGiorgio playlist from the History of Metal magazine (1994) mentioned around the 15-minute mark is as follows: Psychotic Waltz – A Social Grace Black Sabbath – Never Say Die Voivod – Nothingface Ozzy Osbourne – Bark at the Moon D.B.C. – Universe Possessed – Beyond the Gates Anacrusis – Screams and Whispers Rainbow – Rising Judas Priest – Screaming for Vengeance Savatage – Sirens Note II: As mentioned, the name Sadus comes from the Frank Herbert novel, Dune. It appears to be the plural form of Sadu. The definition, from the Dune fan wiki: “among the fremen the blessed company of heavenly judges. A Sadu presided over the traditional scales, which here weigh either the soul or the water rendered from the dead, for the scales formed the T of the Tau.” Note III: Please consider donating if you listen to Radical Research often: https://www.paypal.me/rrpodcast We also have a webstore where you can find shirts, CDs, and books, many of them recently restocked: http://radicalresearch.org/shop/ Music cited in order of appearance: All songs from Swallowed in Black, 1990: “Black” “Man Infestation” “Last Abide” “The Wake” “In Your Face” “Good Rid’nz” “False Incarnation” “Images” “Powers of Hate” “Arise” “Oracle of Obmission” Radical Research is a conversation about the inner- and outer-reaches of rock and metal music. This podcast is conceived and conducted by Jeff Wagner and Hunter Ginn. Though we consume music in a variety of ways, we give particular privilege to the immersive, full-album listening experience. Likewise, we believe that tangible music formats help provide the richest, most rewarding immersions and that music, artwork, and song titles cooperate to produce a singular effect on the listener. Great music is worth more than we ever pay for it.

Om Podcasten

Join hosts Jeff Wagner and Hunter Ginn in a bi-weekly conversation about the inner- and outer-reaches of left-field rock and metal music.