DIVING DEEPER - Sean Booth - The Hidden Secrets of the Bible - The Power of Forgiveness

Did you know that some verses in your modern-day Bible may have been missed out, or relegated to being made into footnotes? Join us in our discovery of the true power of forgiveness, as Sean walks us through these hidden verses. Sean Booth is a lay member of Mother Teresa's Order, the Missionaries of Charity, and has recently completed a theology degree, a Bachelors of Divinity from Maryvale. He is also a member of the Men of St Jospeh, who are working and praying for the re-conversion of England to the Catholic faith.

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Radio Maria England is a 24hr Catholic Radio Station broadcasting programmes expressing the Christian faith. It aims to support Catholics and others in their spiritual life and witness to those who wish to learn more about Catholicism. It is part of the World Family of Radio Maria, formed in 1998 in response to the apparitions and messages of Our Lady in Medjugorje and Fatima. Radio Maria currently has 82 radio stations across five continents with 500 million listeners worldwide.