JUST LIFE - Fiorella de Maria - Courage Under Fire: Fr Willie Doyle SJ, Priest and Hero of the First World War
We're delighted to welcome back to Radio Maria author Fiorella de Maria. Today she talks to us about her new book Courage Under Fire: Father Willie Doyle SJ, Priest and Hero of the First World War bringing to life for us a lesser known figure of tremendous courage and holiness. Fiorella lives in leafy Surrey in the Diocese of Arundel and Brighton. As well as being an author, she is a mother of four. JUST LIFE is a programme that encompasses a wide range of everyday topics, broadcasting live on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, rebroadcast 10pm, and Saturday 11am and 8pm. If you enjoyed this programme, please consider making a one off or monthly donation to Radio Maria. It is only through the generous support of our listeners that we are able to be a Christian voice by your side. www.radiomariaengland.uk