PATRISTIC PILLARS - Fr Joseph Hamilton - Cyprian on Patience

Fr Joseph Hamilton returns to St Cyprian to continue the theme on patience we began in the last episode with Tertullian. Fr Joseph Hamilton explores St Athanasius's Life of St Anthony, what it says on the topic of demons, the monastic life in the desert and all this in discussion with our very own Dominican, Fr Toby. Fr Joseph Hamilton is the Rector of the Domus Australia in Rome, and a priest of the Archdiocese of Sydney Australia. Prior to his appointment at Domus, he served as private secretary to George Cardinal Pell, until the Cardinal’s untimely death. Fr Joseph completed his doctoral studies in Patristics at Christ Church, University of Oxford, and his license at the Patristic Institute “Augustinianum” in Rome. Prior to entering seminary he worked as an investment banker. Having left the economy of Mammon for that of Salvation, he studied at the Pontifical North American College. A native of Ireland, he is a keen but mediocre (his words) surfer, and enjoys reading and cooking.

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