QUESTIONS OF FAITH - Fr Toby & Sr Carino - Baptizing the Sinless?

Why did Jesus undergo baptism if he was without sin and did not need salvation? Should I follow my 'gut feeling'? What does it mean not to judge? And when do games go too far? Fr Toby and Sr Carino answer these questions and others on this episode of Questions of Faith. QUESTIONS OF FAITH is a programme in which listeners call in and ask our guests a theological, biblical or pastoral question - anything related to the faith, in other words. We usually have a priest, religious brother or sister or lay evangelist on and the programme airs live on Fridays at 11:15am.  If you enjoyed this programme, please consider making a once off or monthly donation to Radio Maria England by visiting or calling 0300 302 1251 during office hours. It is only through the ongoing support of our listeners that we continue to be a Christian voice by your side.

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Radio Maria England is a 24hr Catholic Radio Station broadcasting programmes expressing the Christian faith. It aims to support Catholics and others in their spiritual life and witness to those who wish to learn more about Catholicism. It is part of the World Family of Radio Maria, formed in 1998 in response to the apparitions and messages of Our Lady in Medjugorje and Fatima. Radio Maria currently has 82 radio stations across five continents with 500 million listeners worldwide.