1#: THIS IS IT? For the first episode, we will be live with some of the students currently at KHIO who have been working on a collective antiracist proposal, including among other suggestions a long time anti-discriminatory plan and adding non-Western canons to the main curriculum. The proposal emerged within the context of Black Lives Matter protests, a global movement of solidarity with George Floyd, who was murdered in the US by police officers as he called for his mother and said “I can’t breathe”. His last words became an international slogan to express anger, loss and the feeling of belonging by relating to the cause and the condition. As history has shown, social rights movements have always been embodied by students and youth organisations, and have usually been opposed firmly by the majority, not willing to give-up hegemony. With its 6 departments, Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo (KHIO) is Norway’s largest art education institution. The school is not only expected to reach international standards but also be a leading example in the Nordic region. In this show, we will focus on the content of the students’ proposal, their ideas, hopes and ambitions for the future. The audience is invited to interact live with us by calling at +47 92 01 30 07 If you don’t want to talk, it’s also possible to ask for your favorite song! Welcome, Hanan Benammar This episode led to the open letter to KHiO by students being read and discussed, you can read here, along with a petition. In addition we read the electoral program of Måns Wrange and Anne-Linn Akselsen. The program was chosen with more than 60% of the votes in April 2019.

Om Podcasten

(Updated weekly) Radio Momentum is a platform that offers the participants in Momentum 12 an opportunity to engage in a diverse range of artistic practices, including exhibitions, sound works, research, workshops, interviews, discussions, and events. Building on the legacy of Radio Tenthaus, Radio Momentum aims to expand its role in capturing societal issues through artistic practice. Curated and produced by Tenthaus members Wei Ting Tseng and Ebba Moi, Radio Momentum is broadcasted on Tuesday evenings from 8-11 pm on Radio Inter FM 105.8 from November 2022 through to October 2023.