Momentum and Moss | Jan-Erik Beck

In this episode of Radio Momentum, we are delighted to feature Jan-Erik Beck, a renowned local artist from Moss. With a longstanding connection to the Momentum biennial, Jan-Erik has been involved since its inception, serving on the board and actively contributing to its establishment. As a sculptor and a dedicated educator at Einar Granum Kunstfagskole, his insights and experiences are invaluable. Hosting the conversation is Ebba Moi, one of the esteemed curators of Momentum 12.

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(Updated weekly) Radio Momentum is a platform that offers the participants in Momentum 12 an opportunity to engage in a diverse range of artistic practices, including exhibitions, sound works, research, workshops, interviews, discussions, and events. Building on the legacy of Radio Tenthaus, Radio Momentum aims to expand its role in capturing societal issues through artistic practice. Curated and produced by Tenthaus members Wei Ting Tseng and Ebba Moi, Radio Momentum is broadcasted on Tuesday evenings from 8-11 pm on Radio Inter FM 105.8 from November 2022 through to October 2023.