Oliver Stone's co-writer prof. Joshua Goldstein: Greenpeace is exploiting your nuclear fear

In this episode I’m honoured to be joined by professor Joshua Goldstein. He co-wrote the big screen documentary "Nuclear Now" (2022) with renowned Hollywood film maker and three time Oscar winner Oliver Stone. In the movie, Goldstein and Stone argue that nuclear energy has the potential to mitigate climate change in areas where renewable energy sources fall short. Did we just needlesly loose half a century fearing nuclear energy, when in stead we could have avoided climate change? Are NGO's like Greenpeace exploiting fear for the sake of their own survival when opposing nuclear energy to this day?Guest:Joshua Goldstein, professor emeritus of International Relations, American University, Washington D.C.Host and producer: Johan Christian SollidEditor: Pola Rojan Bagger

Om Podcasten

Skal vi have atomkraft i Danmark? Det radioaktive spøgelse har i et halvt århundrede hjemsøgt Danmark, hvor modstanden har været historisk stor. Men er det tid til at tage forbeholdene op til revision. Lyt med, når atomkraftfortaler Johan Christian Sollid og ugens gæst diskuterer den kontroversielle energikilde.