337 UKRAINE: Fra ødelæggelse til håb og genopbygning af byer i det østlige Ukraine

Journey with me into the heart of eastern Ukraine, where resilience blooms amidst the scars of war. Join me and the NomadMania group as we uncover the unexpected twist that forever changed the lives of these brave communities. From the haunting remnants of Izyum to the courageous stories of survival in Kharkiv, witness the indomitable spirit of a city determined to defy the odds. But as the secrets unravel and the plot thickens, one question lingers: What surprising twist lies ahead for these resilient souls? In this episode, you will: Discover the inspiring resilience of Ukrainian communities impacted by war. Uncover the remarkable rebuilding efforts shaping the future of Kharkiv. Explore the rich cultural heritage waiting to be rediscovered in Kharkiv. Understand the challenges faced by the determined residents of Kharkiv. Learn about the impactful war's effects on Ukraine and its communities. See pictures and videos – and read the article on www.radiovagabond.dk/337-Ukraine 

Om Podcasten

Palle Bo er en radiomand, der har solgt sit hus, sin bil og alle sine møbler, for at rejse jorden rundt. Han har en ambition om at besøge alle lande i verden, og du kan tage med på rejsen i denne podcast. Tag med på i mødet med de lokale og oplev Palles begejstring og bekymring over livet som digital nomade.