25: Capturing the Magic of Steam (with Jonathan Guilbert / Gandy Dancer Productions)

We are joined by none other than Jonathan Guilbert, whose YouTube channel ‘Gandy Dancer Productions’ has been an incredible source of inspiration for me and many others over the years. Jonathan has digitised and edited his colour 8mm and 16mm films, taken during the final years of British steam railways, and used his filmmaking knowledge and experience to make interesting narratives that provide an insight into both trainspotting on BR and the inner workings of industrial steam railways. Thanks so much to Jonathan for coming on the podcast, see his YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/c/GandyDancerProductions My favourite playlist, the Astley Green and Walkden Railway Series: https://bit.ly/3FTzqSJ

Om Podcasten

RAILWAY MANIA is a podcast covering everything to do with trains and railways. Each episode, Corwin takes you on a bite-sized journey through many topics and tales of the Iron Road, including everything from railway modelling to railway history, interviews with fellow enthusiasts and experts. Pop the kettle on and let's talk about trains!