29: The American Dream (SLIPS in the USA, with Chris Eden-Green)

To celebrate 10 years of 'Steam Locos in Profile', Chris Eden-Green embarked on a mammoth mission across America, to publish 10 new episodes all about American steam locomotives. Chris joins us on the podcast to discuss the (literal) highs and lows, the logistics of such a feat, and the steam scene in the USA. Purchase your copy of the USA special edition of 'Steam Locos in Profile' here: https://www.e-gmedia.co.uk/shop Thanks to Chris for joining us again!

Om Podcasten

RAILWAY MANIA is a podcast covering everything to do with trains and railways. Each episode, Corwin takes you on a bite-sized journey through many topics and tales of the Iron Road, including everything from railway modelling to railway history, interviews with fellow enthusiasts and experts. Pop the kettle on and let's talk about trains!