"Why Do We Have To Wear Face Masks?"

The global COVID-19 crisis has put a lot of aspects of our daily lives on pause, but if you have a young child at home you've probably found one thing that has only escalated: all their questions! Life during a pandemic is new for us all, but this time is even more confusing for children. Their curious little minds have been internalizing and reacting to lots of big changes, wondering why you've been spending more time at home, why you're always talking to your computer screen, why they can't see their friends in person, and why oh why do they have to wear a mask outside. On our very first Raising Curious Learners episode, hosts Ann and Elizabeth discuss children and protective face coverings, and speak with expert Tara Tuchel for advice on normalizing this new situation.

Om Podcasten

The experts at Britannica for Parents bring you Raising Curious Learners—your guide for navigating life’s greatest journey now and in the future. Each episode features research-backed discussions about issues and trends in child development, education, and parenting. Recorded by our hosts Ann Gadzikowski and Elizabeth Romanski in Chicago, this podcast is for the ears of parents, guardians, teachers, and lifelong learners around the world. Part of the trusted Britannica family. For more, visit parents.britannica.com and send any questions or topic ideas to marketing@eb.com.