#116 - Lovely Rita with guest Matt Hobbs (songwriter, creator of "Puppy Songs")
It takes a certain higher level of creativity to write a song based around the more mundane and every-day-type affairs. Obviously, that's something Paul McCartney has in spades, as he was able to turn an encounter with a meter maid into the Sgt. Pepper track "Lovely Rita." A bouncing song held down with a really funky groove from Ringo, a ridiculously cool bass part from Paul, all manners of vocal effects and sounds, it's the kind of track that they Beatles could've only put out on the Sgt. Pepper album. There's a humor to the whole process that belies the fact that it's author is one of the smoothest bachelors in the world, but ultimately strikes out in his attempt to woo said meter maid. Who would write a song about this? Paul McCartney, of course. Joining us for our 100TH EPISODE (!!!) is Atlanta-based-by-way-of-New-Orleans songwriter Matt Hobbs. Matt's the brains behind Puppy Songs, the creator of viral songs inspired by his dogs (and listeners dogs), a master at taking the mundane, every-day-type affairs, like the goofy things we sing to our pets, and turning them into insanely catchy songs. His recent song "Cheese Tax" landed him, as well as his pups Leni and Mar Pup on NPR, The Today Show, and a list of other sites, podcasts, and interviews, including a sponsorship with Kraft Sings, who made their own Cheese Tax pack. Puppy Songs has been a constant source of smiles in our house, and we think you should give a follow on Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok, or check it out on Spotify, even if you don't have pups of your own. Also, check out Matt's new-non-puppy single, "How Amazing," which is out now! We chat with Matt about finding ways to stand out, sharing your authentic self, White Album summers, the REAL Rita, and living (musically) by the idea of WWPD? What would Paul Do? What do you think? Too high? Too low? Or just right? Let us know in the comments on Facebook, Instagram @rankingthebeatles, or Twitter @rankingbeatles! Be sure to visit rankingthebeatles.com! Wanna show your support? Buy us a coffee!