EP - 7 | Clothing Business Industry | Importance of Co founders| Fashion Effecting Lifestyle | Way to Fitness | Telugu Business Podcast | Raw Talks with Vamshi Kurapati

Nowadays fashion is bold and daring. It is more than just dressing.   Fashion is the essence of personality and lifestyle. “If you want respect, get dressed like a respectful Man”.   Fashion, Trends, Lifestyle, Fitness They all have an evolution, but no destination!   Whether you're a fashion enthusiast or just curious about the evolution of style, this podcast is sure to give you a deeper understanding of the world of fashion.

Om Podcasten

My goal is to share my knowledge and insights with entrepreneurs and those interested in entrepreneurship through my Telugu business podcast. This journey will feature engaging discussions on business topics, thought-provoking experiences, and a wealth of knowledge. I firmly believe that learning is a never-ending process, and I hope this podcast will be a platform for us to continue growing together. I will be sharing my unique perspective on various topics, hoping to spark new ideas and encourage growth. I'm excited to create these episodes, and I hope you will enjoy them too. Let's embark