EP174: How Hypersonix Pricing and Inventory AI Enables Ecommerce Profit Optimization

Trading is tougher this year, with some sectors like housewares impacted by the prevailing economic gloom. Therefore a focus on profit is logical and in this episode we talk to our sponsor Hypersonix about their profit optimisation technology solution for ecommerce businesses. We cover: How Hypersonix enables profit optimisation for ecommerce Using AI/ML to identify potential business risks Integrations paths and product roadmap

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Weekly ecommerce strategy, CX & technology podcast hosted by two experienced digital consultants, James Gurd and Paul Rogers. Featuring interviews with industry thought leaders and practical advice on improving end-to-end customer experience and understanding how to make better technology decisions. Sponsored by Centra & Grebban. Previously know as Re:platform. We provide the answers to help you get the most from your ecommerce strategy and tech stack. Our episodes will help you understand the ecommerce landscape, plan for revenue growth and deliver performance improvements. And they're fun!