REACHing Out: How Can I Become an Astronomer?

REACHing Out are bi-weekly mini-episodes where we answer YOUR Questions. This week's question comes from Dee in Arkansas who asks "How Can I Become an Astronomer?"  For an answer, we turn to REACH Special Contributor Joalda Morancy .   Hosts: Brian Holden and Meredith Stepien Written by: Sandy Marshall with Nate DuFort, Meredith Stepien and Brian Holden. Co-Created, Produced by: Nate DuFort and Sandy Marshall Edited by: Nate DuFort Music composed by: Jesse Case Logo by: Steven Lyons   Special thanks to the latest addition to the REACH: A Space Podcast for Kids team, Joalda Morancy, for sharing her passion and tons of great space education resources. Look for Joalda as a Special Contributor for upcoming episodes of REACH. You can follow Joalda on Twitter  @solarrsystem To view some of Joalda's favorite YouTube videos, follow the links below: Astronaut Chris Hadfield making a peanut butter and honey sandwich on the International Space Station: A music video Chris Hadfield made while in space, covering Space Oddity by David Bowie: This video comparing the sizes of different objects in the universe (which makes her think about how small we are!): And as always, we encourage you to check out the incredible resources at NASA Space Place at   Do you have a question for a future edition of “Reaching Out?” Just get your parents permission and give us a call at 312-248-3402 (or an email at and leave us a message with your first name, where you're from and your question for a chance to be featured in an upcoming episode.   You can find REACH on Twitter and Instagram or at   REACH: A Space Podcast for Kids is a production of Soundsington Media committed to making quality programing for young audiences and the young at heart. To find out more go to

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REACH: A Space Podcast for Kids is a bi-weekly, family friendly exploration of our galaxy (and beyond!) with hosts Brian Holden and Meredith Stepien. Built for kids and based on questions from kids, REACH educates with entertaining segments, fun at-home experiments, and interviews with subject matter experts from leading institutions such as NASA, Adler Planetarium, Cosmosphere, and more. Subscribe today, and get knowledge...within your Reach.