RNR 124: Testing Libraries with Michał Pierzchała
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- Charles Max Wood
Joined by Special Guest: Michał Pierzchała
Michał Pierzchała, a member of the JestJS core team, joins Charles Max Wood to discuss the React Native Testing Library. Michał explains why his team built the library and the problems they were experiencing with Enzyme. Enzyme and the React Native Testing Library are compared and the pro’s and con’s of using each is considered. Charles asks Michał about writing tests and pulling the library into a project. The panel discusses JestJS; Michał explains what he does for the JestJS team. Michał shares what the teams have in store for both JestJS and the React Native Testing Library. The episode ends with a discussion about React Native CLI.
- https://callstack.com/
- https://jestjs.io/
- https://airbnb.io/enzyme/
- https://github.com/callstack/react-native-testing-library
- https://twitter.com/thymikee
- https://www.facebook.com/ReactNativeRadio/
- https://twitter.com/R_N_Radio
Charles Max Wood:
Michał Pierzchała: