RNR 133: The SwiftUI Compliment Egg Sandwich with Eric Lewis
Charles Max Wood
Josh Justice
Joined by Special Guest: Eric Lewis
Eric Lewis, from NearForm, starts by sharing his development journey and becoming a core contributor to React Native. Eric tells the panel about Fabric, Turbo Modules, and Code Gen. He explains how Facebook uses these three tools.
Eric explains how he got into SwiftUI by trying to build the perfect egg time. He shares compliment sandwich about SwiftUI and what he is using it for now. The panel considers why a React Native developer might want to cross-platform with SwiftUI. Eric shares what it’s like testing with SwiftUI. The show ends with some great resources for learning more about working with SwiftUI.
Charles Max Wood:
Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones
Superfans: The Easy Way to Stand Out, Grow Your Tribe, and Build a Successful Business
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Josh Justice:
Eric Lewis: