Midnight Eulogies |🦇 Real Ghost Stories Online Classic
Who needs a wake-up call when your slumber already serves up front-row seats to a funeral—complete with organ music and tearful goodbyes? In this grimly fascinating episode, a young woman’s dream about the old church next door refuses to hit snooze. Was it simply a nightmare with a dash of incense, or a cryptic heads-up from the other side? Join us as we uncover whether this spectral ceremony was a cosmic memo about a loved one’s final countdown. Who says bedtime stories can’t prepare you for the worst? If you have a real ghost story or supernatural event to report, please write into our show or call 1-855-853-4802! If you like the show, please help keep us on the air and support the show by becoming a Premium Subscriber. Subscribe here: http://www.ghostpodcast.com/?page_id=118 or at or at http://www.patreon.com/realghoststories