Relics of the Past | Real Ghost Stories Online 📞 EXTRA
Picture a century-old attic, packed with dusty newspapers and the distinct possibility of never climbing back down. That’s exactly what happened to this curious home improvement worker when he found an unsettling article about a missing child—right before the attic door slammed shut, stranding him among the relics of the past. As if that weren’t enough to rattle the nerves, a spontaneous visit to a local cemetery later that week revealed a headstone sharing his family name, followed by a classic country song that held deep personal meaning. Are these the coincidences of a restless spirit world, or just another day on the job in a haunted, historically rich small town?  If you have a real ghost story or supernatural event to report, please write into our show or call 1-855-853-4802! If you like the show, please help keep us on the air and support the show by becoming a Premium Subscriber. Subscribe here: or at or at