How Do You Outperform the Robots? Invest in Them
This is the first installment of our two-week special How To Unf*ck Your Future series. Amid massive issues with debt, aging demographics, broken political systems and geopolitics, there are reasons to be concerned, but as Raoul points out in this mind-blowing video, there are also major opportunities for investors. In this piece, Raoul sets up what you can expect from Real Vision over the next two weeks in our new series ‘How to Unf*ck Your Future.’ He lays out the reasons why we’re in trouble, but more importantly, how we can position ourselves for it. He’ll tell you exactly what he’s investing in to set up for a changing world, and specifically, how to unf*ck your future. So settle in, grab a pen and paper and listen up, you don’t want to miss this. Recorded on February 28, 2023. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit