It's Not a Competition

This episode tackles the often overlooked issue of rivalry within relationships and guides you towards fostering true partnership. Are you inadvertently creating competition with your partner rather than building a unified front? Don't let competition undermine your connection. Subscribe for more episodes loaded with relationship advice aimed at helping you achieve the harmony and love you desire. Follow us on social media for daily tips and visit our website for comprehensive resources from intimacy experts. Let's journey together towards building healthy relationships, one podcast at a time.  

Om Podcasten

The world fell in love with the Stills in 2014 as they watched the family courageously beat a stage 4 childhood cancer diagnosis. Devon, a former NFL player, and his wife, Asha have built a strong and loyal community on social media because of their undeniable love, authenticity, and humor. Today, Devon is a positive psychology practitioner and instructor at the University of Pennsylvania. He specializes in dyadic relationships, including romantic relationships and parenting. Asha is a certified relationship coach specializing in dating, marriage, and separation issues. Together, they provide evidence-based interventions to improve relationship satisfaction.