Targeting your customer!

What do you think when I say the words, "Niche marketing" to you? Every entrepreneur we need fights the idea of niche marketing; of finding a clearly defined market. The fear of missing out on sales, "What do you mean I need to niche? Can't I just sell to ANYONE?" In this episode KC and Alan work with Jeremy who is launching a new business to uncover his target market and get direction on his marketing.

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To be an entrepreneur you have to be a little bit of a Rebel. You have to do things differently, you have to take risks other people aren't willing to take and you need to be brave enough to take action. For years Alan Donegan has battled against the traditional plan that the world has for us: When Alan went for help from the British Government to start a business. They told him to write a business plan; get a load of debt and did more to put him off starting than they did to help. Alan spent the next 12 years of his life thinking, studying, learning about business and searching for a better way to start-up without debt. This search enabled him to create his own successful training business and then to take those skills and launch PopUp Business School which now operates in 5 different countries around the world and helps thousands of people a year to build businesses without debt. The belief that it takes money to make money traps people around the world from ever taking control of their future and making their own money. This is the belief that he wants to fundamentally destroy with this podcast and empower you to get going debt free! What is the purpose of this podcast? "This is an effort to put out into the world the support I wish I had when I was starting my business. I want to do what I felt the British Government was never able to do and that is to help people start-up without debt and make money doing something they love. If you need help with your business, motivation, inspiration and energy then this podcast is for you. Join The Rebellion" -Alan Donegan