Ewok Adventures with Eric Walker

To celebrate the release of the two Vintage STAR WARS Ewok films from the 80s on Disney+, we reconnect with actor Eric Walker who starred in the movies as Mace Towani. Eric joins us to share memories of working on the set with George Lucas and tons of behind-the-scenes stories. An all-new trailer for THE BAD BATCH recently dropped and we have a shot-by-shot review with speculation about the upcoming CLONE WARS spinoff. In news headlines, highlights from recent interviews with a pair of fan-casting favorites as Sebastian Stan addresses the rumor/buzz about him playing young Luke Skywalker and Benedict Cumberbatch discusses the possibility of portraying Grand Admiral Thrawn in THE MANDALORIAN. Plus, Liam Neeson shared a story about Artoo Detoo with The Graham Norton show that provides a ton of laughs and SpongeBob duels with Patrick Star on Mustafar.

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Long-running, award-winning STAR WARS program hosted by podcasting veterans Jason Swank and Jimmy Mac, Rebel Force Radio provides STAR WARS information and entertainment. From the Classic Trilogy to the Prequels... From THE FORCE AWAKENS to ROGUE ONE to SOLO...Rebel Force Radio puts you on the front lines of fandom. Plus, plenty of CLONE WARS and REBELS too! Featuring celebrity guests, news, opinions, comedy, reviews, contests, and more.