Going All In on ANDOR

ANDOR is here and after four episodes, it’s clear this series is grittier, darker, and edgier than anything seen before in STAR WARS. We’re all in on ANDOR here at RFR and according to our voicemail hotline, other STAR WARS fans are too. James Earl Jones is stepping back from being the voice of Darth Vader and his replacement? Technology! We discuss and look back at the actor's Darth Vader career with an audio tribute. We review the season premiere of ABC’s “Home Ecomonics” featuring recent RFR guest Topher Grace's visit to Galaxy’s Edge at Disneyland. And, “Star Wars In Pop Culture” returns with a mega presentation of STAR WARS references found in recent episodes of “Family Guy”, “Reservation Dogs”, “The Orville”, “Cobra Kai” and more.

Om Podcasten

Long-running, award-winning STAR WARS program hosted by podcasting veterans Jason Swank and Jimmy Mac, Rebel Force Radio provides STAR WARS information and entertainment. From the Classic Trilogy to the Prequels... From THE FORCE AWAKENS to ROGUE ONE to SOLO...Rebel Force Radio puts you on the front lines of fandom. Plus, plenty of CLONE WARS and REBELS too! Featuring celebrity guests, news, opinions, comedy, reviews, contests, and more.