THE BAD BATCH After Show: "Identity Crisis/Point of No Return"

It's a double batch with two thrill-packed episodes to discuss this week. We're breaking down "Identity Crisis" and "Point of No Return", a pair of episodes featuring great character moments, intense action, killer cameos, heroics and heartbreak. Join us for our full review featuring a surprise call from Governor Tarkin voice actor Stephen Stanton, along with your live calls, great observations, thoughts and theories! Get ad-free shows, bonus podcasts, full show video and more at RFR on Patreon

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Long-running, award-winning STAR WARS program hosted by podcasting veterans Jason Swank and Jimmy Mac, Rebel Force Radio provides STAR WARS information and entertainment. From the Classic Trilogy to the Prequels... From THE FORCE AWAKENS to ROGUE ONE to SOLO...Rebel Force Radio puts you on the front lines of fandom. Plus, plenty of CLONE WARS and REBELS too! Featuring celebrity guests, news, opinions, comedy, reviews, contests, and more.