The New Jedi Order Strikes Back

The screenwriter for the in-development “New Jedi Order” film featuring Daisy Ridley - George Nolfi - addressed some questions about the script in a recent interview. We look at quotes from Nolfi about his influences, along with the politics and history that may be inserted into the story. We provide a first blush review of the early chapters from the upcoming novel STAR WARS: REIGN OF THE EMPIRE: THE MASK OF FEAR. We continue our discussion about Marvel Comics’ “Legacy of Vader” and the death of Watto, we review highlights from recent interviews with Bill Burr, Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford, a RETURN OF THE JEDI-era “Outrageous and Unthinkable” story, listener feedback presents the question: Will Finn return as a Jedi? Get full show video, bonus podcasts, ad-free early bird releases and more at RFR on Patreon!  

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Long-running, award-winning STAR WARS program hosted by podcasting veterans Jason Swank and Jimmy Mac, Rebel Force Radio provides STAR WARS information and entertainment. From the Classic Trilogy to the Prequels... From THE FORCE AWAKENS to ROGUE ONE to SOLO...Rebel Force Radio puts you on the front lines of fandom. Plus, plenty of CLONE WARS and REBELS too! Featuring celebrity guests, news, opinions, comedy, reviews, contests, and more.