After my mom and I found I snake in her backyard recently - a LITERAL snake in the grass - I realized that when you’re on a weight loss or health journey, you have to navigate figurative “snakes in the grass” too. The Doritos in your pantry... The casserole Aunt Sally brings to the church potluck and says is "keto" (but how do you REALLY know?)... The "keto snacks" you see advertised on Instagram... They're all snakes in the grass, and to be successful at weight loss long-term (especially with all the "snakes in the grass" you'll encounter at summer barbecues, family reunions, camping trips, and potlucks), you've gotta know how to handle them. So tune into this episode where I'll shed light on how to make sure you don't get bitten by the "snakes in the grass" while you’re getting the weight off and TAKING YOUR LIFE BACK.   ---- Become a VIP ---- Have you seen our new app?  Even when your other social platforms are unavailable, we are here for you on the Code Red App ---- Lose your first, next, or last 10 pounds with absolutely NO pills, powders, shakes, or exercise required.  Click Below to join the challenge! ---- Connect with Cristy: Instagram

Om Podcasten

Cristy “Code Red” Nickel, author of “The Code Red Revolution,” is a speaker, #2 world-ranked boxer (retired), celebrity nutritionist, award-winning personal trainer, and elite-level athlete. In this podcast, I am going to share everything I've learned over the past 25 years in the health and fitness industry. I'm going to leverage my experiences as a professional boxer, NPC Figure competitor, MTV MADE Coach and celebrity trainer to share only the best and most effective tactics to ensure you achieve all your health and lifestyle goals in record time. Be sure to check the website to learn more about how you can join the Code Red Revolution.