14c 刘慈欣访谈中文版 Cixin Liu with Pu Wang (in Chinese)

[This is the original Chinese interview with Cixin Liu; to hear the English translation, go to Episode 14] 今年5月18日,前来Brandeis大学接受荣誉博士学位的科幻小说家刘慈欣接受了John Plotz和王璞两位教授的专访。这次独具深度、异常精彩的访谈,已经整理为中英双语两个版本,想听刘慈欣中文原声的科幻迷们,请点这里!也请有兴趣的朋友们多多关注Recall This Book。 收听音频,请戳——

Om Podcasten

Recall This Book is a podcast exploring important books on a pressing topic. Each episode focuses on a contemporary problem or event and zeroes in on a book or books that shed light on it. We look backwards to see into the future: we can understand things about the future by choosing texts that shed a sideways light on our present situation, and attempt to shake up the terms of present debate by showing how a topic was approached in earlier times when a different version of this question had come up before. We aim to have lively barstool discussions--a warm but involved and potentially argumentative hashing out of the best way to think through difficult present-day issues. We bring on writers to talk about their own books, or scholars to talk about the books that are helping them navigate best the world in which we live.