Being LGBTQIA+ in Recovery (Repaired) - Recovered 1354

Being LGBTQIA+ in a 12-step program for drug and alcohol addiction can present unique challenges that require sensitivity and understanding. One of the main obstacles is the potential lack of inclusivity and representation within the program. Many LGBTQIA+ individuals may struggle to find relatable stories or experiences that mirror their own, which can lead to feelings of isolation and disconnection. It is crucial for the program to create a safe and supportive environment where LGBTQIA+ members can openly share their experiences without fear of judgment or discrimination. Tonight, we talk about being LGBTQIA+ in Recovery.   This week,  Martin, Becky, Kim, Shelly, Jim, Schez, Vicki, Penny Made their Sustaining Partner Donations. For more information, tap   This episode is sponsored by  Kurt, Kirk, Gigi they used the donation button found on our website at Episode Sponsor   Visit our website

Om Podcasten

This is the podcast where we use the 12 step program of recovery to solve the alcoholic addiction problem. This is the podcast where life is seen through a 12 step recovery lens. This is a podcast about men and women who have recovered from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body. We have discovered a solution, we have a way out. We have leaned how to live sober and happy. Join us on this journey called life.