Building a New Identity in Recovery - Recovered 1347

Recovery from drugs and alcohol involves much more than just abstaining from substance use; it's a transformative journey that requires individuals to rebuild their sense of self and create a new identity. Substance abuse often becomes intertwined with a person's identity, affecting their behaviors, relationships, and even their self-perception. Thus, developing a new identity in recovery is crucial for achieving lasting sobriety and personal growth. Tonight, we talk about Building a New Identity in Recovery. 3:25 To skip the intro This week,  Karen, Kendy, Nathan, Tony, Dana, Bryan, Tonja, Jean Made their Sustaining Partner Donations. Tap for more information This episode is sponsored by  Helen, McQ, Chris They used the donation button found on our website at  

Om Podcasten

This is the podcast where we use the 12 step program of recovery to solve the alcoholic addiction problem. This is the podcast where life is seen through a 12 step recovery lens. This is a podcast about men and women who have recovered from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body. We have discovered a solution, we have a way out. We have leaned how to live sober and happy. Join us on this journey called life.