Letting Go to Level Up: Kaylin Mally’s Tips for Personal Growth In + Out of Relationships

Let’s be real: Have you ever broken up with a partner and instantly let them go, feeling great about never seeing them again? Or, have you ever decided to “take a little break” and then get back together? Maybe you just needed to have oneeee last night together, even after you were technically broken up… Well today, we’re here to tell you that it’s okay to break up, work on yourself, and then leave the door open for potentially getting back together. At least, that’s what our guest Kaylin did not once but *three times* before entering her current relationship. (Which is going amazingly now, btw.) Kaylin Mally is a wellness lifestyle creator on a mission to help people level up their lives physically, spiritually, and mentally. She also runs her own UGC business, collaborating with hundreds of companies across various niches. Tune in as we talk about: ⚡️How to become the person you want to attract in dating  ⚡️Manifestation tips on visualizing your perfect partner ⚡️Why effective communication is so important ⚡️When to let go of and when to work through difficult situations  ⚡️How to have open dialogue about your needs and emotions  🎧Follow us on IG and Tiktok @regardlessthepod, and keep up with my personal updates on @skylarsorkin. Don’t forget to subscribe and share the love with others! Regardless, you’ve got this.

Om Podcasten

it hurts. It’s confusing. It’s heavy. It’s real. it’s inevitable. but it doesn’t have to break us. it’s not about what happens to us—it’s about what we choose to do with it. bc when we stand on the edge of growth, we only have two choices: stay stuck, too afraid to jump? or take that leap and freefall into our full potential? regardless isn’t just a podcast—it’s the mindset of every 20-something woman navigating the chaos of relationships, career & self-discovery. no matter what life throws at us, we’d rather grow. REGARDLESS. ⚡