Bang on a Can at 25 Part 1
Seth brings back his findings and experiences from the Bang on a Can Marathon in New York City. The Bang on a Can Marathon is a yearly celebration of new musical styles and ideas, designed to bring diverse performances to a wide public audience. Hosted by Seth Boustead Produced by Jesse McQuarters Louis Andriessen: De Staat (excerpt), Bang on a Can All-Stars Milton Babbitt: Vision and Prayer (excerpt), Bethany Beardslee, soprano Steve Reich: Four Organs (excerpt), Steve Chambers, Phillip Glass, Arthur Murphy, Steve Reich, organs, John Gibson, Maracas Martin Bresnick: String Quartet No. 2 “Bucephalus”, Mvt. III, Alexander String Quartet Martin Bresnick: Prayers Remain Forever, (Ashley Bathgate, cello and Lisa Moore, Piano) Ruben Naeff: Bash David T. Little: Sweet, Light, Crude, Newspeak