What We (Still) Get Wrong About Physical Retail--And Why It Matters

This week we go guest free to tackle some of the more pernicious misperceptions, missteps, and false narratives that continue to get in the way of retailers' making the strategic progress they so urgently need. As the Covid sales bump disappears and consumer demand wanes we will--as Warren Buffet famously said--"get to see who's been swimming naked." Without aggressive action retailers stuck in the unremarkable middle will soon face a harsh reckoning.

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Did you know that 2024 is a leap year? Are you prepared to make the leaps you must to win the epic battle between being remarkable or risking irrelevance as the pace of change accelerates, as the bar for performance gets raised higher and higher? As increasingly Fortune favors the bold, are you ready to leap ahead of the competition? This is Steve Dennis, strategic advisor, keynote speaker and best-selling author inviting you to join me and fellow retail insider Michael LeBlanc each week as we challenge the status quo, dissect the latest news and trends and speak with the industry's most remarkable and thought-provoking executives. We'll also be unpacking the lessons from my brand new book, Leaders Leap: Transforming Your Company at the Speed of Disruption. Listeners worldwide have made us the retail industry's top-rated and top listen-to independent podcasts. This season, we'll continue with our unique take on retail's most important news and feature guests who are shaping the future of modern retail. So be sure to follow us on Apple, Spotify, Google podcasts or wherever you enjoy your podcast today and brace yourself for a steady stream of wisdom, straight talk and lively conversation. Season Eight, presented by Celonis, launches on January 16. And we can't wait for you to join us! © 2020-2024 M.E. LeBlanc & Company Inc. All Rights Reserved.