Ovarian Cancer | Breakfast with the Investigators: Ovarian Cancer

Featuring perspectives from Dr Philipp Harter, Dr David M O’Malley and Dr Shannon N Westin, including the following topics: Up-Front Treatment for Advanced Ovarian Cancer (OC) Introduction (0:00) Front-line maintenance therapy for patients with advanced OC (3:11) Adverse events associated with PARP inhibitors and implications for therapeutic selection (14:17) Other considerations for patients with advanced ovarian cancer and germline BRCA mutations: Management of the breast, role of genetic counseling, et cetera  (31:03) The Evolving Management Paradigm for Relapsed/Refractory OC PARP inhibitors as later-line therapy for advanced OC (35:20) Use of mirvetuximab soravtansine in advanced OC  (44:04) Novel Agents and Strategies Under Investigation for Advanced OC Upifitamab rilsodotin in advanced OC (50:10) Tumor treating fields in advanced OC (56:03) CME information and select publications

Om Podcasten

Featuring the video recorded proceedings of events held in conjunction with important scientific symposia, live webcasts and closed meetings featuring the perspectives of renowned clinical investigators, these videos provide an overview of important advances in the management of a number of solid tumors and hematologic cancers.