Multiple Myeloma | BCMA-Directed Therapy in Multiple Myeloma: Expert Opinions and Patient Perspectives — Part 2

Featuring perspectives from Dr S Vincent Rajkumar, including the following topics: Introduction: Requiem for Belantamab Mafodotin? Dawn of a New Era (0:00) Case: A man in his early 70s with multiregimen-refractory multiple myeloma (MM) receives idecabtagene vicleucel with Grade 1 cytokine release syndrome and persistent cytopenias — Jesús G Berdeja, MD (16:12) Case: A man in his mid 60s with multiregimen-refractory MM receives idecabtagene vicleucel with a 20-month response — Dr Berdeja (25:19) Case: A man in his late 50s with multiregimen-refractory MM received idecabtagene vicleucel in 2020 and is currently in complete remission — Natalie S Callander, MD (31:11) Case: A man in his early 60s with multiregimen-refractory MM receives the novel bispecific antibody WVT078 on a clinical trial — Dr Callander (41:02) Case: A man in his mid 70s with multiregimen-refractory MM receives teclistamab on a clinical trial — Dr Berdeja (51:21) CME information and select publications

Om Podcasten

Featuring the video recorded proceedings of events held in conjunction with important scientific symposia, live webcasts and closed meetings featuring the perspectives of renowned clinical investigators, these videos provide an overview of important advances in the management of a number of solid tumors and hematologic cancers.