How social media threatens humanity

Social media has, in an incredibly short period of time, drastically restructured the way we communicate. But there's a problem: We know very little about its dangers. A new paper in the scientific journal PNAS argues that if left misunderstood and unchecked, we could see unintended consequences of new technology. Recode's Shirin Ghaffary spoke with Mirta Galesic and Jay Van Bavel, two co-authors of the paper, to learn more. References:  Read Shirin’s original interview here.  Want to read the paper? You can find it here. Mirta Galesic, professor of human social dynamics at the Santa Fe Institute.  Jay Van Bavel, associate professor of psychology and neural science at NYU. (@jayvanbavel) This episode was made by:  Host: Shirin Ghaffary (@shiringhaffary) Producer: Sofi LaLonde (@sofilalonde) Engineer: Paul Mounsey Support Recode Daily by making a financial contribution to Vox! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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