How to buy anything for a fraction of the cost

With the advent of the internet and blockchain technology, the list of valuables you can invest in is endless. In addition to gold, cryptocoins, and the usual stocks, people are now putting their money into everyday collectibles like antique cars and baseball cards. Financial journalist Dion Rabouin (@DionRabouin) explains. Read Dion’s story here: This episode was made by:  Host: Adam Clark Estes (@adamclarkestes) Producer: Alan Rodriguez Espinoza (@ardzes) Engineer: Paul Robert Mounsey Support Recode Daily by making a financial contribution to Vox! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Your guide to the most interesting and important tech and business news of the day. Learn how our digital world is changing — and changing us — five days a week. Produced by Recode and part of the Vox Media Podcast Network.