TikTok is making tax policy cool

TikTok is the go-to place for memes and dance videos. But sometimes those pieces of content can play a critical role in letting lawmakers know which policies are working and which ones are not. Today, the Washington Post’s Dave Jorgenson (@davejorgenson) and Vox’s Dylan Matthews (@dylanmatt) join Recode Daily to discuss how TikTok is influencing American democracy and encouraging civic engagement.  ---------------- References:  Read Dylan’s story here  Watch Dave’s TikToks here  This episode was made by:  Host: Adam Clark Estes (@adamclarkestes) Producer: Alan Rodriguez Espinoza (@ardzes) Engineer: Paul Robert Mounsey Support Recode Daily by making a financial contribution to Vox! bit.ly/givepodcasts Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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