EP-213 The CODE-ART-Serie: Yoniverse Wombspace Clearing Transmission & Talk with Kelly Morgan
This is a CodeArt and Conversation episode. Today I work with the “YONIVERSE WOMBSPACE CLEARING” together with Kelly Morgan as my special guest. She is an oracle and resurrector of the divine feminine. She brings mystical teachings and powerful activations, awakening both the divine feminine and the womb. As a weaver, one of my dreams is to create transmissions in sound, for all my code-artworks. So, I did. I believe, absorbing the frequencies from both your eyes and ears, will allow us more deeply to re-member, re-activate and integrate the forgotten technology inside these codes. In this serie, we'll dive into one of the code-art pieces each episode and see what comes thru. To find the corresponding artworks, check out: https://resoulrebelslightlanguagelab.pic-time.com, or find them on my socials around the publishing date. In our conversation we talk about how everybody -even without a physical womb- can and should connect to this space of raw primordial power. We talk about how the divine feminine and masculine make love all day long. On how we really need to balance both to flourish. We talk about how the code art was created thru dancing and co-dreaming. Weaving our visions beyond what the mind can grasp. Then we dive into the labspace were Kelly guides us in a meditation to clear ourselves from the distorted feminine and connect deeply to our universe inside, the sacred wombspace from which we birth all our projects. I added drums and lightlanguage vocals to deepen the journey within. Drawing us in, grounding it down, and smoothing it out, while many colours of the feminine aspect pass by to assist. The earth-motherly aspect, the sensual orgasticness and her raw power, it will ALL flow thru us. We wrap it up with some notes on the experience and some after-care. Your Yoniverse will thank you for diving in and reconnecting. Ahooo sacred ones. Njoy! • 3:52 conversation • 41:10 transmission / activation • 1:00:40 after care & reflection If you enjoy the show, feel most welcome to support me financially via: www.paypal.me/irisresoulrebels I feel grateful for any gift from the heart. This way you enable me to keep creating this show for you all. Find Kelly Morgan at: https://www.facebook.com/kellymorgancoachhttps://www.instagram.com/kellymorgancoachhttps://kellymorgan.tv Find me on: https://www.facebook.com/irisinayaresoulrebels https://www.instagram.com/irisinayaresoul/ www.tiktok.com/@irisinayaresoulrebel For artwork: https://resoulrebelslightlanguagelab.pic-time.com For sessions/my store: https://www.etsy.com/nl/shop/ResoulRebels For more work / collabs: iris@resoulrebels.com