15: How to respectfully teach your children respect

I get a lot of feedback on my Instagram reels about how I am NOT teaching my children to be respectful. While I could debate that, I don’t need to waste my energy because I know that's not true AND I know that I’m teaching my kids “respect” but in a different way. I am teaching my kids kindness, empathy, compassion, how to work in a group setting, generosity, and how to make a kind request vs. a demand. I believe respect can only be learned once it is modeled. And the only way it's truly integrated and not a forced behavior is when it’s modeled TO your children. So I model respect by simply asking “Is that a request or a demand” when they ask me for something. Instead of shaming them into respect by saying “You’re not allowed to talk to me like that!” I calmly say “Hey buddy, was that a request or a demand?” They instantly understand that they’ve barked an order, and they adjust by adding please, they adopt a different tone, and they ask a complete sentence soaking in “respect.” I haven’t had to beat the idea of “say your please and thank yous!” into them. They understand it because we practice dozens of times a day on how to make your words land with kindness and generosity vs. demands and orders.   

Om Podcasten

We come to parenting with all the patterns we learned in our own childhood. Together in this podcast, we uncover the roots of our reactivity and grow in education, capacity, awareness, and skills so we will be able to respond vs. react to our strong-willed children. The beauty of this process is as you become a ResponseAble Parent, the “misbehavior” of your children will lessen, the yelling will fall away and a new level of companionship and cooperation will take its place. Welcome to the journey of ResponseAble Parenting. Take a deep breath in, slow exhale out, and let’s get to work.