25. When To Teach A Lesson

In this episode I share a story of trying to teach my son a lesson and how poorly it went! And the reason it went so poorly was because my timing was completely off. I was trying to teach the lesson while he was still dysregulated and so he truly wasn’t grasping or hearing a word I was saying. He was internalizing it as shame, being bad and that he wasn’t a good kid. I also talk about generational cycles of punishment and how this challenges the narrative to teach the lesson outside of the moment. It's a deeply ingrained parenting pattern that sometimes sends us down a very frustrating path. I also share an amazing technique to solidify these lessons in a connected way. And a big announcement! The ResponseABLE Parenting Community Group is now available! You will have daily access to even more parenting strategies.  Every month you’ll have direct access to me in our LIVE Q&A sessions, exclusive monthly workshops, weekly skill building exercises and more! This is truly a space designed to meet you where you are at on your parenting journey. It's a judgment free zone with parents and caregivers who are learning and growing right alongside you.  And if you aren’t by your computer, don't worry! You can download my app and have all of my parenting advice on the go.  Head to www.responseableparenting.com to join today   

Om Podcasten

We come to parenting with all the patterns we learned in our own childhood. Together in this podcast, we uncover the roots of our reactivity and grow in education, capacity, awareness, and skills so we will be able to respond vs. react to our strong-willed children. The beauty of this process is as you become a ResponseAble Parent, the “misbehavior” of your children will lessen, the yelling will fall away and a new level of companionship and cooperation will take its place. Welcome to the journey of ResponseAble Parenting. Take a deep breath in, slow exhale out, and let’s get to work.