40. Understanding drives respect

In this episode I break down something Sasha (from the interview in episode 37) said about why he respected his parents so much. And it came down to the fact that they spent so much time seeking to understand what was going on for him. They didn’t come to the table with assumptions and past stories clouding their judgment of the present moment. Instead, they led with curiosity and really tried to understand what was going on for him in each challenging moment.  This type of parenting modeled to him what respect looked like. And monkey see monkey do - he now respects his parents ENDLESSLY!  It’s a beautiful way to think about the way we show up! When we show up with curiosity and the desire to understand we are satisfying the primal need for connection, shortening the meltdowns, discovering the root of the behavior (the unmet need) and modeling what it looks like to show respect.   I cannot wait to hear your thoughts!  FREE GUIDES! Make sure you grab my Free Guide to Managing Meltdowns. 4 steps to get you through your kid’s meltdown without snapping!  Do you find yourself yelling more often than you want? Does it feel like yelling is the ONLY way to get through to your kids? But it makes you feel awful? You absolutely need my Free Guide To Stop Yelling This guide will walk you through the process of staying regulated and give you tools to use during high stress moments.  COMMUNITY! The community is currently closed. Subscribe to the podcast and stay tuned for the next time the doors open :) BE A GUEST! If you would like to be a guest on the podcast and troubleshoot what's going on for you in real time, please fill out the podcast submission form. I look forward to connecting with you!   For the show notes: MELTDOWN FREEBIE! https://responseableparenting.ck.page/meltdown

Om Podcasten

We come to parenting with all the patterns we learned in our own childhood. Together in this podcast, we uncover the roots of our reactivity and grow in education, capacity, awareness, and skills so we will be able to respond vs. react to our strong-willed children. The beauty of this process is as you become a ResponseAble Parent, the “misbehavior” of your children will lessen, the yelling will fall away and a new level of companionship and cooperation will take its place. Welcome to the journey of ResponseAble Parenting. Take a deep breath in, slow exhale out, and let’s get to work.