Behaviour and communication

What personal lifestyle habits are we prepared to give up to stop global warming and who bears responsibility for changing our behaviour? Is it the state or the individual? Amol Rajan discusses why we continue to live the way we do, despite knowing the planet is heating up. Is it ignorance or denial? Perhaps the problems is with the way we talk about climate change. If so, then how does the discourse need to change?Graihagh Jackson, presenter of the BBC podcast ‘The Climate Question’ is with Amol Rajan alongside guests Tom Bailey, Meghan Kennedy-Woodard and George Marshall.Producers Nick Holland and Marianna Brain Sound design Graham Puddifoot Editor Lizzi Watson Production Coordinators Siobhan Reed, Sophie Hill, Helena Warwick-Cross

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How the world should change after the coronavirus pandemic. Leading thinkers from across the globe give us their route maps to a better tomorrow.