2.1 The Challenges of our Time

Robert David Cohen is an award-winning poet, journalist, children’s rights expert and communications strategist. He is the director and co-founder of Rain Barrel Communications, a global consulting firm based in NYC. Rain Barrel gives strategic and tactical communications support and counsel to UN agencies and other international organizations, NGOs, governments, businesses and universities. Prior to founding Rain Barrel, Robert was a communication specialist for UNICEF. He worked in dozens o...

Om Podcasten

Long-form, personal conversations with international development and humanitarian aid practitioners, thinkers, activists, academics and more. Conversations center on lived experiences and reflections on ethical issues, power dynamics, systemic challenges and lessons learnt. Common themes: redistributing power, working with diverse stakeholders, negotiating partnerships, measuring impact, learning from mistakes, doing no harm, building trust, ensuring accountability, rejecting saviour complexes, racism, sexism and other forms of discrimination, and much more.