Finding Hope with Chan Hellman

Chan Hellman was nearly suicidal until someone in his life gave him hope. Now, he works to spread it to others. As the founding Director of The Hope Research Center at the University of Oklahoma, his research is focused on hope as a psychological strength for children, adults, and families experiencing trauma and adversity. Chan believes one key is to start small. If your goal is to get healthy, that doesn’t have to mean a gold medal in the Olympics. Just go buy some running shoes. His research shows there is no such thing as too much hope. Even when the chances are slim, there are usually pathways to get where you want to go. In today’s episode, Chan teaches us how to find hope and implement it in our lives. He says imagination is the instrument of hope. We don’t have to summit the mountain in one day, but if we can imagine our future selves reaching wherever it is we want to go, it generates the willpower and motivation it takes to get there. And if none of that hooks you, he even uses the Marvel movies as an example. If he can find hope for Iron Man, I know he can find it for you and me! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Wes Moss is on a mission: help at least 1 million Americans of any age retire sooner and find joy along the way. A seasoned finance professional, best-selling author, broadcaster, and teacher, Wes has done extensive research on the habits of the happiest retirees. On this podcast, Wes shares key lifestyle and money habits you can implement now to prepare for a secure future while not depriving yourself of happiness in the present. In addition to leveraging his 20+ years of knowledge as an investment advisor, Wes brings in guests and specialists to teach you how to set and work towards your financial and lifestyle objectives. Refreshingly-free of mind-numbing financial jargon and unrealistic money goals, Retire Sooner with Wes Moss gives listeners the tools on how to retire sooner in the real world.