The Millionaire Mission with Brian Preston

You work hard for your money. But what if your money could work even harder for you? Brian Preston says there’s a way to make that happen. It’s called taking control of your financial freedom, and in his new book “Millionaire Mission,” he makes the case that it’s simpler than you think. I’ve known Brian for a long time. His podcast, “The Money Guy Show,” is incredibly popular. Sure, he’s got a bunch of impressive initials after his name, but what makes Brian so fascinating is how he lives his message. His wealth didn’t come from anything flashy. He built it through saving and investing as a business owner. Brian’s high school economics teacher told the class that if they invested just $100 per month, one day, they’d be millionaires. Brian was listening. While others were daydreaming about a new truck or the big game, his passion for personal finance was ignited. I’m guessing that didn’t make him the most popular kid in school, but much like compounding interest, it sure paid off later. Navigating life’s obstacles as we plan for retirement can feel like a riddle wrapped in an enigma. But Brian’s message can demystify the process and show you the way to build transformative wealth with the tools you already have available. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Wes Moss is on a mission: help at least 1 million Americans of any age retire sooner and find joy along the way. A seasoned finance professional, best-selling author, broadcaster, and teacher, Wes has done extensive research on the habits of the happiest retirees. On this podcast, Wes shares key lifestyle and money habits you can implement now to prepare for a secure future while not depriving yourself of happiness in the present. In addition to leveraging his 20+ years of knowledge as an investment advisor, Wes brings in guests and specialists to teach you how to set and work towards your financial and lifestyle objectives. Refreshingly-free of mind-numbing financial jargon and unrealistic money goals, Retire Sooner with Wes Moss gives listeners the tools on how to retire sooner in the real world.